Patient Testimonials
I was fortunate to travel to Greenland each summer from 2010-13 to collect fluorescent minerals and was ticketed to go again in the summer of 2015 when the labrum of my left hip tore walking around my back yard. Shortly after is when I met you and in August of that year you repaired the tear. Fast forward to 2016 and I was ready to go again, only to have something similar happen on my right hip. Again, you performed your magic. Life intervened in 2017-18 as we relocated close to where our children and grandchildren live. But, in 2019, I finally made it back to the mountains of Greenland and celebrated my 74th birthday collecting fluorescent minerals with friends. Needless to say, it would never have been possible without you.
Today in the time of Covid, my wife and I walk the neighborhoods and local parks here in Virginia. I don't expect to return to the mountains, but being able to walk anywhere is a blessing and I want to thank you for everything you've done for me. Thank you so much and God Bless.
I couldn’t recommend anyone other than Dr. Youm. It is because of him I regained total mobility of my hips. In 2015 I underwent labral repair and bone shaving on both hips just two months apart. I fully recovered and was back to running and dancing before I knew it. I had no pain.
Recently I developed pain in my hips again, upon seeing Dr. Youm it was found that I had femoral acetabular impingement. I knew moving along with this surgery I was in good hands. I don’t trust anyone else. It is because of him I felt confident in this next surgery. Just two days ago I underwent my 3rd hip surgery where I received an allograft.
While recovering I figured I’d write this. It is unfortunate we meet under these circumstances but there isn’t anyone else I’d want operating on me. Dr. Youm has operated on my mother, brother, and a few other family members. To say we trust him is an absolute understatement. I would highly recommend him.
Thank you Dr. Youm for everything you’ve done for me!
I had Cam impingement surgery on my left hip by Dr. Youm, in September of 2018. Dr. Youm and his staff are very professional and attended to all my needs and questions. Before the surgery I would have pain in my left hip, lower left back and groin areas all day ever day. It is 5 months after my surgery and I have no where near the pain I had before the surgery. I am still in the heeling process and my left hip feels much better everyday. I am glad I went with DR. Youm for my surgery. If I had any other aliments that Dr. Youm specializes in I would pick him over any other Dr.
After years of increasing pain and reduced mobility in both shoulders I was refered to Dr. Youm. The doctor performed reverse Arthroplasty on both shoulders in 2018.The pain is gone and mobility in both is greatly improved. Dr. Youm, his staff and the staff N.Y.U. Langone were clear, caring and very efficient. This is a great choice for joint injuries or repair needs.
I've had three hip and two shoulder surgeries performed by Dr. Youm, the first being five years ago just after my 65th birthday and the most recent being one a week ago. Why have I returned to the same surgeon for all five instead of taking friends' advice and trying their surgeons whom they swear by? Easy answer: he's really good, effective and smart, not reactionary AND I trust him. The office staff is great, the hospital staff where the surgery is performed is good and the anesthesiologist are responsive; I get terrible nausea after surgery and they have either given me a epidural and or incapacitated the target surgery area. In other words, they listen and do their best to get me through the ordeal of being put under. Of course this time I had to endure feeling as though I had a link sausage hanging from my shoulder socket for about 12 hours but it was worth it to avoid having to go to the ER because of severe vomiting. Back to Dr. Youm, he gets me. He knows that I'm a type A who must play tennis to exhaustion on hard courts or carry heavy shopping up my five flights or run for every light or push push push myself beyond my physical limits. So with all due respect to my friends who insist on my trying their surgeons I say Nope. Not while I have Dr. Youm as my option.
Doctor Youm is a very reliable trustworthy doctor. He performed surgery on my hip over 8 years ago and I’ve been feeling great ever since. He is a very honest and helpful doctor and I only have positive experiences with him. I highly reccomend. Thank you Doctor Youm for your help and amazing follow up throughout the last 8 years.
Dr. Youm performed stem cell therapy on my left shoulder and healed the biceps tear (“SLAP tear”) and minor rotator cuff tear in my left shoulder. I went from being in dire pain with limited mobility before the treatment and now I have full range of motion without pain. I thought Dr. Youm was upfront and thorough with the expectations and the process of the treatment. I would definitely consider stem cell treatment as an alternative to surgery and I felt I achieved about 98% of the strength back in my biceps and NO PAIN.
In my opinion Dr Youm is an excellent orthopedic surgeon. I had been to orthropods at Hospital for Special Surgery,Rothman Clinic and Geisinger of which none were able to help me. I was grateful he ordered another test and then proceeded to help me with surgery.....he even understood my anxiety through the whole process. I would recommend Dr Youm to anyone with Musculoskeletal problems.
For years I was unable to sit for more than 5 minutes w/o pain. After many different Dr. and Pt and MRsI Cat scans and x-rays, the pain progressively become worse, I suffered for years. I finely found Dr. Youm and after 5min and one more test he was able to diagnose the torn labrum in my left hip. He preformed a Hip Arthroscopy and I have been pain free for the last 4 years. I will always recommend him, I travel from LI to see him in Manhattan and always satisfied w/ my care. His office staff is very friendly and through. I wish more Doctors were like him. He always made me feel I was his most important patient in his pratice.
Dr Youm is a miracle worker. I had a torn labrum, tendon issues, and a multitude of other problems after being hit by a car. Not only did he make my hip better than before but he stuck with me through the long and arduous process that comes with insurance claims. He was able to explain to me exactly what surgery would be like, how my recovery would go and even before that he gave me options that would ease my pain that weren't a part of his practice . Dr Youm is absolutely the best and I couldn't have asked for a better doctor.
Dr Youm repaired my meniscus and my sons. He is a great Doctor. Both my son and myself have fully recovered from our surgeries and are really happy with the results. The care we received in the office was phenomenal . Mayra C. is great, she was very helpful during our time there. she is very professional and she is good at what she does.
Measuring the change in the density of cartilage after a year is a very useful metric – relatively easy to measure reliably and validly. Evaluating the efficacy of the procedure, however, goes beyond that in a couple of respects. The first is that the conditions (which may be alterable) that affect the relative success of the procedure must be understood, both additively and interactively, and the degree to which a model of those may be properly specified seems quite low at this point. Hence, gathering data from the patients themselves might be very useful in a couple of respects. I must state up front that as a social scientist I find the idea of “testimonials/’ as opposed to self-reports or self-evaluations of the impact across time of the procedure on routine and volitional activities, difficult to swallow. After wrestling with this, I have decided to respond in a somewhat expanded form out of respect for the clinic staff and Dr. Youm
In my case, I had been suffering from increasing arthritis and diminished cartilage in both knees, with my left knee being a lot worse than my right. My preferred style of life includes both a lot of walking and participation in quite a few different sports activities, so doing something about my knees has been a high priority for me. I had been receiving hyaluronic acid injections every six months for a year and a half. These injections were useful in helping me engage in routine activities (walking, climbing and descending stairs, and beginning to walk without stiffness and/or much pain after sitting for an hour or so) and more volitional activities (pickleball, tai chi and kungfu, and long bike rides). However, near the end of each six-month cycle, both sets of activities became more painful and challenging. There was also a pronounced reduction in the
Positive impact of these injections from one cycle to another, with the first cycle having a very large impact and the third cycle having virtually no impact. It was at that point that I contemplated either having a double knee replacement or trying stem cell therapy.
How did the Stem Cell injections alter my ability to engage in routine and more voluntary activities?
In order to assess this more objectively, I constructed a self-report scale of routine-activity-engagement pain, with 0 representing no pain at all and 9 representing debilitating pain, and used the week (which I tried to make as typical as possible) before the procedure as a baseline for assessing the level of pain I was experiencing and enabling a more reliable assessment of any changes in felt pain after the procedure. I also kept track of the number of steps (from my Fitbit watch) I took each day as a crude way of assessing the amount of stress I was putting on my knees each day. I stopped gathering data after about five weeks — simply because I was not learning anything interesting beyond the immediate effects. From the very first day, my felt pain was cut from 5 to 2.9. I had expected that there might be a short-term improvement that paralleled the hyaluronic acid injections, and though I write this report two months after the procedure, I have experienced no fluctuation in pain even though my step numbers varied considerably from about 4,000 to 12,000 over that period.
After the first month I began biking for longer periods, playing pickleball more seriously and participating in kung fu more rigorously – all without an increase in pain. And although others reported that at one point I had a mild increase in swelling in my knees, any swelling was temporary. Nor have I experienced any weakness in the back of my knees. I must admit I would love to understand the mechanisms better, but at least in terms of 2-month outcomes, I can report that the procedure was a success for me.
I should note that the difference between routine and voluntary activities is that the former revolve around things that one must do if one is to live a “normal” life defined in terms of the activities in which one engaged prior to the onset of severe knee problems – things like doing small errands, shopping for groceries, going for a walk or to the movies with family members, getting out of bed and going to the bathroom. The latter embraces more of the sorts of things that lifestyle preference scales pick up. But there are tremendous variations across people in the sorts of things they would define as routine or voluntary, and normality can only be assessed with reference to what one was in the habit of doing before (in this case) one’s knees became challenged. Such things are important because that is the frame of reference that people use to judge the success of a procedure: can I do what I need to do and enjoy doing the way I used to?
Is there anything that stood out about the medical care?
I was quite impressed with the initial interview. The procedure was thoroughly explained and the prospect that the longer-term outcomes might be conditioned by the amount of cartilage in each knee was emphasized. The procedure itself was conducted very professionally, including careful x-rays and a collaborative relationship between the clinic and the maker of the critical centrifuge, and thoughtful advice regarding the resumption of normal activities. I was not experiencing much anxiety (though my diastolic and systolic readings were higher than usual just before the procedure). Having injections in one’s knees is a lot less anxiety-inducing than the sorts of surgical procedures I am used to doing research on (multi-fetal reductions – where
the course of anxiety before, during and after the operation can be critical with respect to medical, psychological and relational outcomes. Hence, I would say that the frankness of the discussion about the possible effects of the procedure stood out the most, followed by my appreciation of the collaborative aspects of the procedure and the apparent collaboration on data gathering and analysis that is presumably taking place. For me, given some of the other research I have done, that collaboration added some credibility to the procedure.
Recommendations to friends about stem cell injections?
I have recommended consideration of this procedure to a couple of people with whom I engage in one or another sports activity. I have noted that as of yet, there are no clinical trials, so that choosing a specialist with considerable experience and reputation is even more important than usual, even going to the point of recommending Dr. Youm and the RYC clinic. I have shared my experiences and noted that the only downside at this point is the lack of coverage by insurance.
E Turner
Stem cell injection helped me by relieving pain in my knee. Now I basically walk pain free! Dr. Youm spent quality time with me and eased my anxiety. He was excellent. I would tell others to definitely go for the injection!
I tore my labrum, rotator cuff, and upper biceps playing beach volleyball. I was told that the only option is to fix this was with a surgery. In 4 months after a stem cell injection by Dr. Youm, the pain has almost disappeared and I started weight training. Happy to be back in the game in a few months. Dr. Youm was very straightforward and kept my expectations realistic. Also he spent a good amount of time educating me on the cat scan of what my situation was about. Overall, very pleased by the staff. If you have the money to spend, definitely give this a shot before you take the surgery path.
Bessie T-F
The stem cell injections I had on both knees were amazing! I was in severe pain and limping before stem cell therapy. I had cortisone shots on both knees prior. Also synvisc injections. Also 12 weeks of physical therapy. Nothing worked. Stem cell treatment enabled me to walk in a month without pain and now I can walk 10 blocks at a time without pain and not limping. Dr. Youm’s knowledge and ability stands out from the first appointment to after care. He is an expert truly in his field. The best decision I made was to make an appointment to see Dr. Youm in December of 2014. I had recommended 2 friends to him in the past few months and will continue to recommend Dr. Youm.
T. McDermott
Dr. Youm has performed two important surgeries on me in the last six years. Each has been a success and I have been able to get back to my full active life after both operations. Personalized service is what stands out the most with Dr. Youm. His advice is based on me and my activiites, not just some random patient. Also, for my broken collarbone operation, he fit me into his surgery schedule the next day because he knew it needs to be operated on immediately in order to recover properly. I’ve already recommended Dr. Youm many times to great reviews. If you are looking for a competent, down to earth surgeon who has impeccable skills, see him. Sometimes surgery is not needed, and he will tell you that.
M. Allen
The surgery was incredible! I have no pain nor did I have any pain after surgery. When I woke up in the recovery room, I could tell immediately that my hip already felt so much better than it had. I dealt with the hip pain for a couple of years and it increasingly continued to get worse. I knew something was wrong. If I had to do it all again, I wouldn’t even hesitate about having the hip arthroscopy surgery. Absolutely 100% worth it. I only wish I had done it sooner!
Dr. Youm has such a pleasant demeanor, he really makes you comfortable with the whole procedure. His explanations are fantastic and very detailed in a way that you can clearly understand. I was very comfortable asking questions, even if they seemed mundane and obvious. He proposed every available option and never made me feel pressured to make a rash decision. His staff was also very pleasant and helpful as well!
I wouldn’t even hesitate to recommend Dr. Youm to anyone who needs an Orthopaedic Surgeon. In fact, my husband needed knee surgery and I strongly suggested him to see Dr. Youm. He did and also had his surgery performed by him. He is equally as happy as I am and feels great! We are both walking and running again! Thank you, Dr. Youm!
Dr. Youm is an expert and a true professional. As a young adult male working a manual labor job, my life was not pleasant on a daily basis having two bad hips. Surgery was hard but the outcome was better than I imagined. My hips do not bother me daily anymore. Dr. Youm expressed personal interest and sincerity. The most important thing to him was and is my quality of life.
L. King
The surgery Dr. Youm performed on me was life changing. I had severe pain in my back that was prohibiting me from enjoying time with my young children. After he performed hip surgery, all of my issues were gone. I now enjoy my kids and can play sports, give them baths, and work out/exercise without any pain. Dr. Youm’s care throughout the entire process was superb. You can tell he genuinely cares and is concerned about your concerns. I would tell a friend looking for an orthopaedic surgeon, “Here’s his number…You won’t regret it!”
G English
Dr. Youm restored my confidence in my physical capabilities. I had two major issues (hamstring and shoulder injuries) that he fixed and now I am a lot more comfortable physically and mentally. What stands out about Dr. Youm is the time he spent with me, the quality of his care, his post-operative care, and the professionalism of his support staff. They were outstanding. If you have a medical plan to accommodate Dr. Youm’s services or can afford it, he is highly recommended.
J Luna
Dr. Youm’s arthroscopic surgery on both of my hips helped get my life back in order. I was able to return to my everyday active lifestyle. Surgery allowed me to live my life pain-free. The medical care of RYC Orthopaedics and Dr. Youm was outstanding. He provided me with all the knowledge I needed to know to get through surgery safely and efficiently. The quality of their care and service was at a very high level. I would definitely tell my friend to come to Dr. Youm. I would tell them that they would be in good hands with Dr. Youm. I would also assure my friend that RYC Orthopaedics would take great care of them and they would get the care they needed.
C. Benjamin
Before surgery with Dr. Youm, I was walking with a cane and in pain every day. Now after hip arthroscopy, I am back to where I was before my injury. I’m physically active and I consider the surgery 100% effective. Dr. Youm’s level of care has been excellent throughout, from first consultation, through surgery, post-surgical care and (two years later) final visit. Dr. Youm has provided excellent medical care and has a great personable manner that has alway put me at ease. He respected my desire for information, my ability to make decisions, and when I was in pain he always listened and took that seriously.
I would highly recommend Dr. Youm to anyone needing an opinion and/or surgery. In fact, I found Dr. Youm because of a recommendation from a patient.
D Joseph
Dr. Youm is my hero! He is so skilled at what he does. The quality of care he provided was second to none. This was my first surgical experience. The staff at RYC Orthopedics was very helpful, informative and caring both before and after my surgery. They are a very professional, caring, knowledgeable staff. Having total knee replacement surgery has really improved the quality of my life. For the first time in 3 years, I can walk without a limp, my leg is straight, and I have no pain. I look forward to taking long walks, swimming, and dancing. Basde on my personal experience, I would highly recommend Dr. Youm and RYC Orthopedics for any orthopedic needs.
B Spivey
I had hip arthroscopy surgery by Dr. Youm to fix a torn labrum, on both the right and left hip. Having the surgeries helped improve my physical performance when working out and playing sports and drastically reduced the amount of pain I was experiencing. Prior to the surgery, I was very cautious and wasn’t able to work out to my maximum potential because of the pain. The surgeries helped my hip areas feel much tighter and secure and gave me the confidence to know it was safe to build back up my strength. Prio to the surgery, I could only walk a couple of blocks before I would experience extreme pain and living in NYC that’s quite disabling! After having the surgery, I’m able to walk endlessly without having pain and keep up with the hustle and bustle of the city. Furthermore, I’m an athlete and always have been. At 26, being told you need hip surgery is life changing. Going into surgery I was worried that my active lifestyle would have to change forever. Even though it took time to work through physical therapy, I can say that I feel as if I haven’t skipped a beat and have already built back up to the same performance level, if not better!
Everything about both Dr. Youm and his staff stands out. From my initial meetings to my follow up appointments, they were very thorough and conscious of my needs and keeping me informed. On the day of surgery, it meant a lot to me that Dr. Youm took the time to visit me both before and after going into the surgery to make sure I was comfortable and understood the process. I had no questions left unanswered at any point during the process, which I found very comforting. On top of that, Dr. Youm never seemed rushed during my visits and made sure that he explained everything to my understanding (and I would bring lists of questions!). This was refreshing in a world where I find most physicians are running a stop watch during your appointment.
I would not hesitate to recommend Dr. Youm. I have several friends who have had labrum repair surgeries from other surgeons and have had poor results. I had absolutely no issues during or after my surgeries and would recommend him to my closest friends and family. He is absolutely amazing!
Gail Barracano
Dr. Youm is a kind, compassionate doctor who has given me many helpful options for my arthritic knees. He does not rush me into surgery! I’ve recommended Dr. Youm to several friends and they’ve been very pleased. We need more doctors like Dr. Youm (I’m glad to know he is training medical students).
P.S. He’s helped my husband too! (with shoulder and back pain).
Jeannie Forrest
I saw Dr. Youm for a complicated labrum repair in September 2013. I had been increasingly in pain for the several years leading up to the surgery and was suspicious of the idea that the surgery would really address the problem. It did. Recovery from any surgery is necessarily incremental and slow, but within a year I was not only fully functional again, I am completely pain-free. Before the surgery I couldn’t sit still through a meal, much less a movie, because the pain was searing. I would shift around in my seat and eventually just have to get up and walk around until the pain eased. The real test came this Thanksgiving when I drove my standard transmission through three hours of rain and sleet, clutching and maneuvering through complicated traffic…with no pain! I’m very excited to be able to tout Dr. Youm’s remarkable skill and care throughout the process, from pre-operative to post-operative care. I’d whole-heartedly recommend him to anyone who asks.
Kaitlyn Somers
After years of issues with my hip and multiple visits to other doctors, Dr. Youm finally had an answer. The surgery he performed has helped me get back into running which I am incredibly grateful for. What stands out about Dr. Youm is the quality of care and professionalism I received from him. I have already referred multiple people to Dr. Youm for sports-related injuries and will continue to do so.
Judy Clifford
Dr. Youm performed hip arthroscopy to repair my torn labrum. Almost immediately after surgery I was pain-free, moving only within a limited range of motion of course. Even with the restriction of using a brace and crutches, I was realizing for the first time in over a year that I was on the path to being “normal” again. Dr. Youm was informative, professional, as well as friendly and soothing. The biggest concern I had was not to be talked into a hip replacement. When he told me arthroscopic surgery was definitely indicated – keeping body parts is important – I knew I had come to the right person! I would most definitely recommend Dr. Youm highly as well as the NYU Outpatient Hospital and all of its staff. No one wants to have surgery but if it is necessary, I can’t imagine a better medical solution/experience. Thank you to everyone!
Lesley Carmona Lewis
Dr. Youm performed hip arthroscopy on me and it helped me tremendously! It brought back the normal every day use of my hip. It’s those daily quality of life tasks that made the surgery worthwhile. What stands out about Dr. Youm is the overall quality of care and his patience to answer all my questions prior to and after the surgery…and I had a lot of questions. I would absolutely recommend Dr. Youm!
Darragh Worland
I had a high tibial osteotomy in both legs to prevent osteoarthritis of the knee and potential need for a total knee replacement down the line. The surgery was necessary due to a genetic deformity that put undue pressure on my inner knees. Dr. Youm was not only an excellent and skilled surgeon but he also listened carefully to my questions and addressed my concerns with care. He has a great bedside manner and was flexible in working with me during recovery. I would wholeheartedly recommend Dr. Youm to a friend (and have) because I trust that he has the right combination of skill, talent, training, expertise, and humility. He sees himself as a partner in his patient’s care. He definitely understood that I could play a key role in my recovery and respected my own judgement about my body’s signals.
Evelyn Deitsch
Dear Dr. Youm,
I am writing to thank you for repairing a torn labrum on my right hip 8 weeks ago. I am having a good recovery from the surgery and wanted to let you know how much I appreciate the fact that I had this procedure done.
Faced with the fact that I was 60 years of age, I had several doubts, one of them being whether or not to have this surgery done. After my initial consultation with you, I left your office feeling reassured that I had a good chance for a good outcome. I can’t tell you how much it meant to me when I expressed a few more concerns to you via email and you took the time out of your busy schedule to call me up and address them. Besides your excellent credentials, you are a wonderful person, as well as doctor.
Your office staff is professional and a pleasure to deal with. When I mentioned the fact that I live on Long Island, they assisted in making things easy in the way of correspondence (Crystal)…Jake delivered my hip brace and ice machine to the Langone Center since it wasn’t easy for me to pick them up prior to the surgery.
I was treated with the best of care at the Langone Outpatient Center. Everyone was very attentive and courteous and made things very comfortable for me. When I walked into the OR and mentioned to Dr. Popovic that I was feeling a little overwhelmed, he took action to get me under quickly. He was right when he told me I was in “good hands”.
I just want to add that I have not had any pain, only soreness which continues to improve each day. I am grateful to you for this. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to continue doing what I love to do, which is walking and hiking. It is so nice to know that I won’t have to settle for a sedentary lifestyle yet.
Kisha Whiteside-Charles
Dr. Youm is the greatest he did my reconstructive surgery on my knee and it was successful. I highly recommend him for everyone.
Eileen Gallagher
I had injured my hip several years ago and was not able to get past the pain and restriction, even with physical therapy. I finally had X-rays and an MRI which showed two tears, arthritis and a bone spur. I consulted two well known surgeons in Naples Fl who told me I was ‘too old’ to have arthroscopic hip surgery. They just wanted to replace my hip. I was referred to Dr. Youm and after reviewing my case, he told me he would do the surgery. After surgery he told me he was able to repair all of the damage, as well as loosen a restrictive tendon. I was surprised how well I felt after the surgery. There was minimal pain and only in the area of the incisions. I was instructed to use the crutchesfor a month, even though after a few days I felt I could walk without them. I was amazed. I am now 2 months into PT and progressing very well. My PT is also amazed at the speed of my progress.
Dr. Youm a wonderful job. He is one of the most pleasant and attentive doctors that I have ever met.
Della Garrity
My initial surgery for right rotator cuff repair by a Doctor in Long Island was not successful. In fact, it was quite a problem. Dr. Youm ordered an MRI and reported he was unsure if it was repairable as the blood supply and tissue were poor. But, somehow he had the skill to repair it. Eventually, I needed repair of the left rotator cuff and the experience was wonderful and repair was successful. Thank you Dr. Youm! Dr. Youm is not only skilled providing quality care – he is kind, a good listener and spends time explaining effectively any concerns you have and offering suggestion that have always provided resolutions. I would say, and, in fact, have told many friends and family members about the wonderful care Dr. Youm provides – he is a “True Gem” of a Doctor and a wonderful person. I have told him several times that his parents have done a great job raising him to be such a fine person. His office staff have always been kind and patient and helpful – and his physician assistant is included in this comment.
Miguel Fittipaldi
Dr. Youm’s surgery helped me SUBSTANTIALLY! I was very please with the arthroscopic surgery on my left shoulder. I had been experiencing substantial pain for several months and the outcome was a complete success. This is my 2nd surgery with Dr. Youm (first one was the right shoulder). I find his care outstanding and would not hesitate to recommend him. Great bedside manner, great treatment from start to finish. Dr. Youm is personable and his staff is outstanding. I have already recommended Dr. Youm and would gladly do so again.
Sarah Muroski
After hip arthroscopy by Dr. Youm, I am able to do all the activities I enjoy without pain. Dr. Youm cares about each individual patient. He provided a correct diagnosis and the surgery worked! I would recommend Dr. Youm.
Jeannette Newhook
I have my life back! Dr. Thomas Youm is the Dr. that everyone wants and needs. Trust him. He is the best.
Tyler Rivenbark
I would highly recommend Dr. Youm, and have, as my hip feels better than it had in years. Before surery, I was in constant pain. It hurt to get out of bed in the morning and walk across the floor. A year out, pain and stiffness is all but gone and I’ve returned to normal physical activities that I had put on the backburner. The post-operative care has been helpful and informative.
Joann Morabito
The shoulder surgery by Dr. Youm was the best thing I ever did. Before the surgery, I was in pain 24/7. And also, I was not able to sleep, not able to lift heavy objects, or even light weights in the gym. I have never met a more caring and attentive doctor (surgeon) than Dr. Youm. He listens as well as gives advice and explained everything that happened in laymens terms. He is also very easy to talk to and joke with. Go (run!) to Dr. Youm. He is the best doctor!
Patrick Rafulowitz
I had constant knee pain before Dr. Youm did my knee surgery. After the surgery, I haven’t experienced any knee pain or problems with my knee. I was able to resume all normal activities. Everything in Dr. Youm’s office is very organized and done quickly but very thoroughly. The doctor explains all courses of action and what is going to be done for care. I would tell others that Dr. Youm has a very patient-friendly office. All of the staff is great and they answer all questions if you have any. Dr. Youm is great when it come to the proper procedures for the things you are experiencing. And pre- and post- surgery is a pleasurable experience.
Christine Lattanzio
Hip arthroscopy by Dr. Youm eliminated the daily pain I felt in my hip immediately and has gotten me on my way to resuming the level of physical activity that I want to engage in. The quality of care before and after surgery and the thorough answers to my questions are what stand out to me, in addition to the great outcome from my surgery. I would absolutely recommend Dr. Youm to anyone in need of an orthopaedic surgeon.
William Seiz
I underwent knee arthroscopy with Dr. Youm. The surgery allowed me to play basketball, hike, golf, play baseball, and resume a physically active lifestyle without limitations. What stands out with Dr. Youm is the quality of care and efficiency of the procedure. I have already recommended a friend to Dr. Youm who has had surgery and successful treatment.
Mike Burke
I should have submitted my testimonial a while ago but better late then never. I was 39 at the time of my surgery..I had hip surgery done by Dr. Youm in Feb of 2010…I tore the labrum in my right hip. I was very active prior to the surgery….baseball…hockey and judo.. long story short….I have been back to all activities and still going strong at 42. I have referred a couple of people to Dr. Youm. All of them happy with their results…You in good hands with Dr. Youm and his crew.
A+!!! I was misdiagnosed for elbow pain by another Orthopedic surgeon, and felt hopeless and dismayed when I arrived at Dr. Youm’s office.
He was immediatelyable to diagnose my rare condition, and came up with the proper course of treatment.
Dr. Youm even made it to the office just 2 days after Hurricane Sandy to ensure I was healing properly after surgery.
He is a brilliant diagnostician and his bedside manner cannot be beat.
I am thrilled to finally feel better, and cannot recommend him highly enough!
Alissa Blitzer
I feel so fortunate to have chosen Dr. Youm for my total knee replacement surgery. I’m walking faster and further than I have in years, and it’s only been 2.5 months! I did not expect to feel this good so soon. Dr. Youm is talented and passionate about his work, and I highly recommend him.
Arlene Ginsberg
Dr. Youm changed my life. I have always been an active person- playing tennis and golf and then I became an old person! The pain in my knees made me unable to do the things I enjoy. I was side-lined in many ways until my total knee replacement. I am back on the tennis court and golf course and I feel like I got my life back. Dr. Youm was amazing and I have sent many people to his office. My friends call me a “poster child” for knee replacement surgery and I credit Dr. Youm.
June Severino Feldman
Two weeks ago, Dr. Youm performed total knee replacement surgery on my left knee which had been ruined by osteoarthritis. My recovery has been SO encouraging – I am not in pain and I’ve been walking without a cane for a week with significant range of motion. I like Dr. Youm’s manner and attentiveness and the professionalism of his staff. I most highly recommend his services!
Danny Erker
Last year, when I was diagnosed with a complete labral tear in my right hip and also FAI, I was devastated. I had been an avid distance runner for years, and the pain I had developed was so severe that I was afraid I would never race again. Thankfully, I met Dr. Youm. In April of 2011, he performed arthroscopic surgery to repair the tear. In November of 2011, after 6 months of rehab that Dr. Youm helped coach me through, I completed the NYC ING Marathon – my fourth. My surgical hip didn’t offer a single complaint during any of the 26.2 miles. I can offer no better testimonial than that.

Kathleen McCollum
Dear Sir / Madam,
I cannot say enough about how wonderful I feel Dr. Youm is. I was referred to him after sustaining another knee injury and being told that I am too old to continue my active lifestyle. I was so discouraged and not even able to walk when I met Dr. Youm. His bedside manner handled my challenging personality and gave me hope that post-op I would be able to resume the lifestyle I am accustom to living. He took the time to thoroughly explain the surgery I would and what the recovery process would entail. He left nothing to chance or surprise and I left his office knowing I had found my surgeon. I was on crutches for 8 weeks total and my recovery was just as Dr. Youm said it would be. I had surgery March 30th and 6 weeks after coming off crutches I was able to take my bike out for a 20 mile ride. I have since been able to downhill ski and participate in an indoor triathlon in January and hoping to do several more this summer. I owe my ability to continue my active lifestyle to Dr. Youm and am thankful for him and all he has done for me! Trust me when I say that I am not an easy consumer to please as I have worked in the medical field for 25 years and demand a lot from those whom I seek medical care from. Dr. Youm not only stepped up to the plate he exceeded any expectation that I had of him. I highly recommend Dr. Youm and his colleagues for any and all of your orthopedic surgical needs.
Alexandra Levison
I was quite nervous about the potential of having surgery for the first time ever and met with various surgeons about my condition. Dr. Youm was comforting and attentive from the start.
I went to three different surgeons for opinions and Dr. Youm was the only surgeon to notice the actual cause of my injury. Where others had seen a “standard” labral tear, Dr. Youm looked at my injury through a cause and effect lens and was able to see the true cause. His focus on fixing the problem, but also preventing future problems, was exactly the type of care I was looking for. I am extremely grateful for his ability to see what others had missed, allowing me to avoid future injuries.
It has been 6 months since my surgery and my hip has never felt better. Before my surgery, I could not walk a block without severe pain, but now I move freely, without pain or worry. I would not only recommend, but I would encourage, anyone with orthopaedic issues to see Dr. Youm. I am extremely grateful for his dedication, approachability, sincerity and talent.
Norma Hoffman
Dr. Thomas Youm is a most special doctor, the finest, most expert surgeon, and above all, a caring, concerned professional who possesses every quality you hope to find in a doctor to whom you have entrusted your life, limb, and well-being. Dr. Youm performed two total replacement surgeries on my knees transforming them from a painful disabled condition to complete unrestricted pain-free movement and activity. For me, as a teacher of ballet, this outcome signified a return to a full teaching schedule for my legs and full satisfaction and contentment for my mind.
I thank Dr. Youm for the excellence of his care-pre- and post-surgery; for always being available to listen-and really hear and understand my worries and questions; for always being ready to discuss concerns and anxieties in a straightforward, patient way.
I am grateful indeed for Dr. Youm’s medical expertise and equally appreciative of the manner in which he performs and practices it and I thank him wholeheartedly.